Being a practical parent is hard. Quickly one discovers that the lists and milestones aren't always right, and my child like all other children is not a cookie cutter. Its not that the lists and milestones are wrong, its just my child isn't fitting into that 'little box'.
Yes, I know he has a nearly 4 month adjusted age, but it still isn't easy. Tuning out the voices of others is even harder. And there are lots of well intended ones. But is can be harsh and overwhelming.
- He will walk and talk when he's ready.
- He's behind with his language development.
- My grandson didn't walk or talk until he was two.
- He needs to see an orthopedic doctor about his feet.
- Look at how his feet turn out!
- Is he walking side ways?
- Can he say anything yet?
I feel like some days I just want to pound my fist and tell people, "When you've had a 25 week preemie that spent 6 1/2 months in the hospital, come talk to me." But not really, I don't wish that on anyone either. But, I just wish that more people listened rather than talking at me so much.
Okay. So he turns his feet at 180 degrees out, walks side ways at times and babbles in his own language at 19 months. And I love every bit of it. So it's at his own pace, but I know he's developing I his own time.
But there's the moments when on the phone with my mom going over his weekly physical therapy that I cry. Not because I feel sorry for myself or my son.
How did I talk to parents when I was concerned about milestones and development? How did they feel in that seat? And did I give them the right kind of support? I wonder what level of frustration they felt. I imagine now, that there were parents that felt the same mixed bag of emotions. And its an eye opening experience in reality for me.

But at night when we are reading his favorite bed time stories, he loves being read to hanging on every word. I am reminded of how important it is to do those things and how much he benefits from that time, and how much it means to me to. I'm reminded that he is like other children in all the right ways. He loves his mother holding him and reading to him cuddled up in the safe comforts of his room.
And everything fades away into the background allowing me to see clearly what matters and what is right in my world.
Thank you for your feedback and comments. I always review before sharing with other readers. Have a great day!