BivySak is a quarterly box with outdoor gear for campers, hikers or anyone that loves outdoor activities. Each seasonal box contains curated, unique gear for that season of the year. Subscribers pay $24.99 each month for a total of $74.97 for the box. Each quarter, the subscriber receives $100-$145 in gear. The spring BivySak was a great score and has some gear that I'm really excited about for the summer months ahead.
Inside the quarterly box, there is an instructional card about your new gear.
The instructional card is handy because it tells you about all of your new gear. |
From the spring box, I'm most excited about the Grand Trunk Single Parachute Nylon Hammock. One of the best ways to relax is in a hammock while outdoors. This hammock comes with a single cord that can be attached to a tree on each end. But, you can easily add trunk straps to this if you purchase online. However, our hammock worked great with the included cord. Just follow the instructions. I love this hammock already! It is comfy, roomy and easy to hang.
The Grand Trunk Hammock is lightweight and portable! |
Enjoying the hammock in our backyard. Great way to end the day! |
I love the color combo of these Point 6 Hiking Socks. They also fit great! |
There were four tubes of lip balm in the spring BivySak from Aloe Up. While this may seem like overkill to some, this is perfect for our family. Each one of us can have a tube for use on our upcoming trips. I plan to label each tube for a member of our family. There is even a spare for me to stash in a backpack or other gear. If you aren't sharing, keep a tube handy in the places where you store things for activities. Put one in a backpack, another in your purse, one in your gym bag and another in your car. No matter where you are, you have a tube of lip balm handy.
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These lip balms all contain at least 15 SPF. One tube contains 30 SPF. |
This box contained a FRESHeDRY Waterproof bag for outdoors. I have already asked for a kayak for a gift later this year. This bag is really going to come in handy on the water. If you are paddleboarding, on a paddle boat, canoe or other boats, this is a great piece of gear to keep your things dry. Since this bag is thick and well made, it is constructed for use over and over - much better than a zip top bag. Also, you can fold some air into this bag so it will float!
This is the perfect bag for keeping your gear dry while on the water! |
Finally, there is a ParaKito Mosquito Repellant Gel sample. This is a natural repellent that lasts for 5 hours. The box also contained a coupon code for 20% off an order. I love coupon codes in boxes. It usually encourages me to buy something from the sponsoring company. Especially if the box contains an item I really like. From single use packs to roll on repellent and wristbands, this natural product is portable and perfect for the active person on the go.
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Single use ParaKito repellent is perfect to pack in a backpack while hiking. Especially to reapply. |
Is this box worth the $74.97? I would say yes! The socks and the hammock alone are worth the cost of the box. Well made hiking socks can be costly. And, hammocks are not cheap either. These two items make this box a complete winner. This box gives someone new gear to get outside and hike, spend time on the water and relax after it all while keeping the bugs at bay and your lips from being chapped. If you ask me, all the bases are covered.
If you are looking for a unique Father's Day gift or a gift for a graduate that loves time outside, this is a choice that would be well loved. A subscription box takes the guesswork out of what to buy for someone that you know loves being outside. Or, gift it to yourself.
Get outside and enjoy the spring and summer months ahead. Gear up before you do. With long summer days ahead, you can enjoy every single minute with your new BivySak box. The quality of the items in this box is great! I feel like we will enjoy these items for a long time. While the box is seasonal, the hammock, socks and dry bag will last long past this one season. Big score!
Have you ever subscribed to a box before? Share your thoughts about subscription boxes. I love them and hope you will take a look at BivySak!