First, invest in beach gear if you go to the beach just once a year. We actually end up at the beach typically 2 to 3 times a year. If you are considering beach camping, keep reading!
I don't need a lot to make me happy at the beach. A comfy place to sit, a little shade and a cold drink will suffice. I'll be the first to admit that I can go a little overboard and be particularly extra at times. Over the years, I have tried to scale back the need to go to the next level in every aspect of my life. The beach is definitely a place to scale back. Less is more!
Unless you are walking right out the door and into the sand, you may be trekking up and downstairs to your beach access. The weight and size of your gear will make a difference. These factors can also make you ready to throw in the towel if you aren't careful.
The two most important items in your beach set up are chairs and an umbrella. Rio Brands makes outdoor gear that is portable, lightweight, and durable. We have several of their items and love them all. A back-pack chair and umbrella provide the perfect duet for daydreaming seaside.
Backpack Chairs
Even if you own a wagon for all of your gear, backpack chairs give you a lot of flexibility. If you want to just watch the sunrise or sunset, these chairs can easily be carried to your favorite spot. We have two chairs from Rio Brands that recline for comfort. They each have an adjustable drink holder. The headrest on the back gives you enough support for an afternoon siesta. They are lightweight and free up your hands for toting your beach bag or cooler. We were really pleased with their overall construction and functionality.
Rio Brands also makes a kids adjustable beach chair. This is also a hands-free option giving your little ones the ability to carry their buckets and sand toys. Giving little ones a job to do while helping get everything to the beach lightens everyone's load.
While I love the sun, it is nice to have a little shade on the beach. Our adjustable umbrella fits the bill. It is compact and travels in two pieces. The bottom piece has an anchor that you screw into the sand with little expandable handles. The anchor is clearly marked to the level you should twist into the ground. Attach the top and lock it into place. You can tilt and adjust the umbrella for the amount of shade coverage that you like based on the direction of the sun.
This umbrella stays put even in the wind. However, I would use caution if you are tilting this in the direction of the wind. Even with the top vents, you could damage your umbrella. We experienced both stormy and windy weather and didn't have problems. But, you do have to use some common sense when it comes to these tools. The construction is plenty sturdy and sets up and takes down in no time at all.
There is an attached drink holder and table near the base. It collapses for storage and has a little velcro strap to keep this closed when it is stored. While small, it does work for keeping things out of the sand and at your fingertips when needed.
What if you don't always travel to the beach often? I've seen beach chairs just like these used on sandbars on creeks and other shallow bodies of water. They are an excellent solution for portable low sitting chairs to enjoy the water wherever you are. These chairs easily allow you to dip your toes into the cool water and relax. Anyone that loves the outdoors and camps often could use these chairs and umbrella throughout the year.
I look forward to our upcoming trip to the Mississippi Gulf Coast as well as beach trips next year. Having our own gear really opens up the doors to be ready for any type of adventure. And this makes us willing to go when the opportunity arrises.
Until next time...
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