This RV Stove Cover adds a little style and functionality in my RV Kitchen.
Our RV stove has a glass top that folds up to cook. It serves as a solid surface of sorts across the top, but it isn't always practical. I would like to use that surface to place things as extended countertop at times, but the glass top makes me cautious. I don't want to break or damage it. I've seen lots of farmhouse style stove top covers on Pinterest lately. Why not make this for our RV?
RV Stovetop Cover
Buy your boards and have them cut at the home store will save you time and the need for costly power tools!
This is an easy project. With the right materials, you can finish this project easily in a day. You may even have some of these supplies on hand. Project materials include:
I looked for unique, vintage handles at junk and antique stores until I found the ones I liked. Use your handles to determine the screws you need for your project. Salvaged handles create a customized look for your finished stove top cover. If you choose to go with new handles, just select a style you like. If you are going for a farmhouse look like mine, select a
handle that is dark with clean lines.
Also, if you already have some of the items for this project it reduces the cost. I had sandpaper, the stain, clear coat, and wood glue already. I only had to purchase the boards, handles, and felt pads. My total out of pocket costs was less than $18. However, if you factor in the cost of everything to make your tray, I estimated about $25 based on the partial use of items like stain, glue, screws from a pack I had, etc. While time is money, you will pay upwards of $50 for an item like this that is pre-made. I had both the time, skills and supplies to make this project. So, I feel like this project is a steal for me!
Be sure to measure carefully before having your boards cut for this project. This will ensure a good fit and being satisfied with the finished results.
Step One
Have the two boards cut into pieces. I bought my boards at Lowe's and had the lumber department to cut the pieces I needed. You will need:
- 6 26-inch pieces
- 2 21-inch pieces
4x10x1 boards are not actually 4 inches wide. They are actually 3 1/2 inches wide. So, if you adjust your sizing, take this into consideration. Also, I made my cover 24 inches wide, but extending this by 2 inches would provide better coverage and ensure that it sits flush or level on the countertop.
Optional resizing instructions and ideas:
You could even measure the width of the stove from side to side and the width of the space between the stove and the wall. Take the space of the width between the wall and stove and multiply times two, add to the width of the stove. This would give you an even board size to lay across the top.
Whatever you do, measure carefully and adjust your measurements as needed. The 2 shorter boards will create a handle space on each side. This number won't change unless you add a 7th board for the base you create.
If you like the look for your handles that have been salvaged, by all means leave them natural. I could have done that with my project but decided to paint them instead.
Spray paint your handles if needed and dip the tips of your screws into the paint to make everything coordinate.
I like using oil rubbed bronze spray paint. It gives me the look I want, and it is typically a color that I have on hand!
Step Two (Optional)
If you are using vintage or salvaged handles, you can spray paint these at the start of your project to allow the paint to dry. I place the handles on a grocery sack and spray them. I like oil rubbed bronze spray paint. It is a color I typically have on hand, and have used it on lots of projects in our home. So, I didn't have to buy any.
To make my screws match and blend in, I dipped the top of each screw in the wet spray paint on the bag and gave them the same look at as the handles. This is a quick way to acheive a coordinated look without wasting paint.
Take your time sanding to get a nice smooth finish on all sides, corners and edges. This step will make a huge difference in the overall finished product!
Step Three
Sand each board smooth carefully smoothing the ends to keep from having any splinters. Take your time, and do not rush. I sanded and rounded the edges and corners around each board for a nice smooth edge. You may also need to remove any labels or tags when you are doing this. I used a little
Goo Gone to remove a couple of bar code stickers on my boards and scraped them off with a putty knife.
A classic gray stain gives a subtle farm house look to the finished product, but you can select whate3ver color stain fits your style and decor!
While the difference between the original board and the stained one is subtle, it makes a big difference in the final product.
Step Four
Stain each board individually on all sides. I choose a subtle, grey stain that provides some color while remaining natural. Depending on how dark you want your wood, you can give it a second coat. Let it dry thoroughly.
Apply a bead of wood glue down each short side of the 26 inch boards.
Glue each board together to create the stove top cover base. Be sure to align each board along the sides as you work.
Step Five
Apply a nice bead of wood glue on the long, thin side of the 26-inch pieces. Glue each piece together creating a base. Be sure to keep the ends even. Allow it to dry thoroughly. I do this with a garbage bag underneath to protect my work surface. This is also easy to remove when I have let everything dry.
Apply a nice amount of wood glue on the back of one of the 21 inch long boards and attach each one to each side of the base. |
Step Six
Apply a generous amount of wood glue on the back of each of the 21-inch pieces. Lay the glue side down on each short side of the base. This will create a place for the handles. Be sure to apply plenty of glue and press firmly into the base layer. You will also need to make sure that you align the ends and sides.
Mark and drill pilot holes using the handles as your guide. |
Step Seven
Align the handles on each of the two raised short pieces. Mark the holes for the wood screws. Drill pilot holes. Then attach the handles on each side. The pilot holes will keep your boards from splitting. Don't skip this step. Also, your boards are only 3/4 inch thick. So, the thickest sides will only be 1 1/2 inches thick total. Make sure your wood screws won't go all the way through. 1 inch to 1 1/4 inch wood screws would be the longest you would want.
Turn over the cover when it is dry to clean up any extra glue. |
You can use a damp rag, a putty knife or sand paper to help clean up extra glue along the back. |
Step Eight
Clean up the back side of the base. You can use a clean, damp rag to wipe any glue away that is on the back. If you are unable to get all of it wiped away with a rag, you can clean it up with a putty knife and/or some sand paper. It won't be necessary to get everything perfect, but certainly clean it up as much as possible.
Apply even layers of clear coat on the RV stove top cover to seal your work.
Step Nine
Apply the clear coat all over the tray. Be sure to spray each size and let it dry thoroughly before turning over to treat the opposite side. Make sure you get the sides also. I prefer a matte or satin finish, but you can choose the clear coat that works best for you.
Finish your project with felt pads on the bottom.
I put a felt pad on each corner of my stove cover.
Step Ten
Apply felt pads to each corner on the bottom to protect your counter surface. I picked these up from Dollar General. You can grab these anywhere really.
I already had this stencil and thought it provided the perfect accent to my stove top cover. |
I used a brown craft paint and paint brush to lightly apply the paint to the stencil.
Decorative Touches and Options
- If you want to create a faux barn wood effect, dry brush some white, grey, and black paint in subtle streaks over the stain. Be sure to let everything dry completely between each color application. You can sand off in places to distress the look.
- Obtain a natural look by using a traditional wood grain and hue stain.
- Enhance your look with a stenciled monogram or another accent. I had a stencil that I used, but there are lots of options available from many retailers.
The finished stove top cover looks perfect in our RV kitchen.
Create something unique that expresses who you are or a favorite saying or quote. Or you can select a set of hardware that different for your own twist on the style. My stove top cover is uniquly my own, and I love the finished result!
If you decide to make an RV Stovetop Cover for yourself and are crafty, you might want to make one for a gift to give another camping buddy. You could also, make some
farmhouse trays to give to others. These trays are made in the same manner and would use the same supplies. These trays make excellent decorative touches and gifts. Plus, it is an easy afternoon project!
Until next time...Happy Camping!
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