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There is nothing better than summer at the beach. This was my view on a recent girl's trip! |
Summer is hands down my favorite season. I prefer heat to cold. I love spending time near any water. It can be a pool, the beach, a lake or anything really. The slow and long days of summer are appealing. It is my spirit animal. Having said all of that, what are some of my favorite things from my favorite season?
I've compiled a list of favorites that vary from outdoor gear, and more. If you are looking for the perfect gift or a better accessory, I've got you covered.
Roll Up Fedora Sun Hat
Everyone needs a hat to protect your skin and your eyes. This hat will roll up and pack easily. It retains its shape and is as stylish as it is neutral. From sight seeing excursions to a day at the beach or the pool, this hat will do it all. Its also less than $30! The price point makes this a great accessory piece that won't break your budget, but its also a classic that will last more than one season!
Cover Up
If you are looking for a new cover up, this is the one. It looks great. You can wash and wear it over and over. I love the crochet detailing on the front. There are a variety of colors to choose from, but I like neutrals like this that go with everything and won't absorb the heat of the sun!
Summersalt suits have also become hands down my favorite swim suits. If you are looking for one that looks great on any body type, these are for you. I own three different ones and love every one of them!
Coola After Sun Recovery Lotion
No one wants to think about those nasty sun burns. But, it happens sometimes, and it is awful. I recently went on a beach trip where I bathed in sunscreen and still got burned terribly on my back. This lotion is life changing. Keep it in the fridge to really draw the heat out. Plus, this is just a great moisturizer for your skin after all of the sun from those days outside.
Jergens Natural Glow Wet Skin Lotion
If you are avoiding the sun and still want a sun kissed glow, Jergens Natural Glow Wet Skin Lotion is an excellent way to get there. Use this in the shower with your skin wet. You will get a gradual bit of color to your skin with plenty of moisture. I have been using this lotion all spring and love the results. It's my favorite way to add color and keep my skin from getting too dried out!
Bike Trunk
We really enjoy biking. I have a commuter bike that allows me to carry things on the back of the bike. For years, I have enjoyed a little wicker basket on the back. But, it is a little cumbersome to use on a bike rack to transport, so I have gotten a new bike trunk that is a little more practical for us. This trunk is removable and is a little shoulder bag when you are stopped. Reattach and bike on!
Rockin' Green Laundry Detergent
I have mentioned Rockin' Green Laundry Detergent more than once here. We love it for work out clothes, camping clothes or any clothes that get really funky and need a deep clean. This is a staple at our house, and there is no better time to use it than the summer. I love it for washing swim suits too!Wine Bottle Tikki Torch
We spend a lot of time out doors in the spring and summer. I have reused some wine bottles this year and turned them into little torches to ward off mosquitos and bugs. Fill up your bottle with citronella oil. Add a wick kit and let the oil absorb. You can reuse this torch over and over. Its great to use on your patio and outdoor areas. So easy to move them around!
Wine Bottle Lamp
While I was looking for ways to reuse some of our wine bottles, I decided to make lamp from a bottle of champagne. The kit I bought for this lamp included a drill bit to use on the bottle to place a hole in the bottle and run the light cord through the bottle for a more finished look. It took all of 10 minutes to do this project. And I love how it looks on a my desk in my home office.
I placed the bottle in my kitchen sink. My husband helped me to stabilize the bottle to drill the hole with water running over it. With a minimal amount of pressure, I was able to drill the hole and quickly wire my bottle lamp to use.
Lace Sleeve Top
One of my new favorite purchases, is this lace sleeve top. It can be dressy or casual. The lace sleeves, keep it from being hot. Its a great length. Pair it with shorts and cute sandals or it can work with jeans. This shirt is a steal, and I love mine. They also have lots of colors to choose from. I did get this in black.
e.l.f. Eye Brow Pencil
This eye brow pencil is a game changer. It is so cheap and works better than any other one that I have ever owned. Skip the $20 one at cosmetic stores. Just do yourself a favor and order this one! One end has a brow brush. The other end has the pencil. Its an easy product to simplify your beauty routine.
Men's Thin Wallet
This men's wallet is all the rage right now. Several guys that I work with love these. I finally ordered one for my husband. I think he is going to love it. It cuts down on all of that clutter that no one needs in a wallet. And, this one comes with the RFID blocking technology to protect your credit cards.
Wood Splitter
My cousin introduced us to this tool recently. Its a wood splitter that you place a piece of wood into the top center over the blade. Hit the top of your wood with a mallet, and it splits your wood for it to burn quicker or make kindling. Its so handy. Take it to the campground or use it at home. This makes lighter work or a somewhat drag of a job!
Nag Champa Incense
Incense is my thing and has been since college. I love it as much as candles, but there is something about the smell of incense that is amazing. Its my Zen moment at the start and end of the day. This is my favorite scent, and I order both the cones and sticks to have at home.
Homemade Vanilla Extract
I decided to make some homemade vanilla extract this summer so that it would be ready to give as gifts this winter. All you need is 5 vanilla beans per bottle. I like the Madagascar vanilla beans. You will need some bottles with an air tight seal. Split the vanilla beans lengthwise and place in a jar and fill with either vodka or bourbon. Let it sit in a cool dark place for six months for the best flavor. Shake it once a week to distribute the vanilla flavor and release the bean seeds.
If you are looking for other ideas for the campground, check out my Amazon Store. I have everything organized for different camping seasons and more. Everything is curated based on the products that have become tried and true staples.
Until next time...happy camping!
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