Adding Farmhouse Flair to Your RV

Our finished farmhouse wallpaper lightens up walls behind the bed and sofa.  Adding decorative touches to a space is something that I have loved as long as I can remember.  As a child, I spent hours making paper snowflakes to hang from the ceiling of my room to create a "winter wonderland&…

10 Things You Didn't Know You Needed for Your New RV

What are the RV items you need that are beyond basics? If you are a new RV owner, there are some things that everyone will tell you that you need like basic hoses and RV toilet paper.   But, what are the things beyond the basics that you are going to need and want?  We felt like we knew what w…

Safety at the Campground - 4 Tips for Your Children

Safety at the campground is more than just having a first aid kit.  However, this Surviveware First Aid Kit is handy, and I recommend it! Camping can feel like this bubble of good times and fun.  Children latch onto this feeling of freedom as they race through the campground on bikes, sc…

Top Tips to Spruce Up Your RV

This is my shelf over the bed.  When I pull the Murphy bed down, it's like a little hidden surprise here.  I picked up all of these things from Dollar General. If you have a new RV, whether it is new to you or a brand new off the lot, most people want to personalize that space.  Three years…